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Path to Net-Zero

iS-1068445356-NET-ZERO.pngWe are all on a path to net-zero carbon emissions that starts, right here and right now, with you and Net-Zero Heroes™ across the country working together with the heating industry toward a cleaner future.



Path to a
Net-Zero Carbon Heating Future


The renewable liquid heating fuel industry has committed to producing and delivering a net-zero carbon, fossil-energy free fuel by 2050, meeting these interim goals:

  • B20 Bioheat® fuel for a 15 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2023
  • B50 for a 40 percent reduction by 2030
  • 100 percent renewable fuel to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

These changes can be implemented and the fuels used without any major modifications to your existing oil heating equipment!


Become a
Net-Zero Hero!


There’s no need to wait to be a Net-Zero Hero™. In fact, we’re sure you have already taken several steps to lower your carbon footprint and we’d like to share your tips with the community! Let us know your best idea to reduce carbon emissions.

A programmable thermostat allows you to set weekly or daily schedules for your home heating and cooling.



A smart thermostat can do everything a programmable thermostat can do and more, plus it can be accessed via your mobile device.

You are well on the way to a net-zero carbon dioxide emissions future with your choice of Bioheat® fuel, but here are some more ideas to reduce your energy usage and carbon footprint … and annual home energy bills.

  • Get your heating and cooling equipment tuned up annually to cut energy use by up to 10 percent.
  • Set your thermostat back when you leave home or go to sleep. Install a smart thermostat to make the adjustments automatically, and reduce your bills up to 10 percent.
  • Weatherstrip around windows and doors, seal any gaps, and fix broken glass.
  • Lower your water heater temperature to 120° and save 5 percent in heating costs for every 10° drop.
  • Upgrade your heating system with higher efficiency equipment to save as much as 48.3 percent! Ask your Bioheat® fuel dealer about any available rebates or tax credits to save even more.

How did you start saving energy?

Share your Net-Zero Hero™ origin story!


Do you have great ideas for reducing carbon emissions every day? Do you have a great story about your local heating fuel supplier helping you save money and energy?

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