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Bioheat® Fuel Savings for New York City and Long Island

Save Up to $800 on New Heating Equipment

Upgrade&Save_NYC_LI_final.pngHomeowners in New York City and Long Island can save up to $800* on new, higher-efficiency Bioheat® fuel-fired furnaces and boilers and/or a new aboveground oil storage tank.


  • $500 for replacement/upgrade of an existing oil-fired furnace or boiler to a higher-efficiency model
  • $300 for installation of an aboveground oil storage tank to replace an aboveground or underground tank

Contact your local Bioheat dealer and ask about the Upgrade and Save NYC & LI Rebate Program.

UPGRADE AND SAVE is offered through the New York State Energy Coalition. NYSEC understands that your new heating equipment is an investment in your future, and we want to make it possible for every New York City & Long Island homeowner to enjoy the long-term savings that come with new, higher-efficiency heating equipment and the peace of mind from a new, reliable aboveground oil storage tank. Research has shown that property owners with new, higher-efficiency heating equipment are more satisfied with their comfort level and fuel choice. And comfort and satisfaction is what turns a house into a home. Contact NYSEC at nysecnow.org.

Rebates must be processed through a registered New York City & Long Island Bioheat dealer.

*Limit of 2 Rebates Per Household.

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